TRX Legs Workout
The TRX is a cheap and fun accessory that has seen an increase in popularity over the past years. Despite this, you mostly see it used to target core muscles and the upper body. Here’s an example workout that will help you take your TRX workout to the next level, by engaging your leg muscles.
This TRX Legs Workout variations will not only intensify your leg exercises, but also work your core, arms and shoulders. You can perform them as a circuit like in the TRX lunge workout below, or you can add a few moves to your existing workout routine.
TRX Overhead Forward Lunges

Holding your hands overhead during a lunge increases the difficulty of the exercise, raises your heart rate and engages your core. If you have tight shoulders, the tension from the TRX straps will help guide your arms in the right position.
TRX Split Lunges

If you struggle with tight hip flexors, then this variation is great for you. Tackle two tasks with one move: stretch and strengthen your legs simultaneously.
TRX Drop Lunges

Drop lunges are similar to Bulgarian Split lunges. However, instead of having your back foot on a solid platform, it will be suspended in the TRX straps, which you’ll need to stabilize during the movement. This is an advanced and more challenging variation.
TRX Side-to-Side Samurai Lunges

To tone the inner and outer thighs, try this side-to-side samurai lunge variation.
TRX Jump Switch Lunges

Plyometric moves are amazing at toning legs, but without a TRX it can be challenging to get that lift off the ground. Being able to pull slightly with your arms as you jump will help you catch some air.
Try these exercises out for a total body workout with your TRX.