General / February, 22 2017

How to relieve knee pain

The knees are one of the parts of the body that take the most beating when you workout. If you are an active person, it is not uncommon that you experience knee pain every once in a while. This is incredibly inconvenient, because it will get in the way of you continuing your regular exercise routine. However, there are a few ways you can try to relieve knee pain, in order to get you back on track as quick as possible.

How to relieve knee pain

If you have frequent issues with your knees, then you should be looking into changing your exercise routine to a physical activity with low impact on your knees. This can be swimming, brisk walking or cycling.

If, on the flipside, you are one of those people who can’t quit their HIIT or long jogs, then there are a few stretches you can try to relieve your knee pain.

Since multiple muscles overlap the knee joint, it isn’t always easy to determine the source of your pain. However, you can cover your basis by making sure to stretch your legs thoroughly.

  1. Wall Calf Stretch: Running usually exercises your calf a lot, causing injuries at times. A tight calf can cause pain that will travel up to the knee.relieve knee pain
  2. Calf Smash with Lacrosse Ball: This move allows you to relieve the tension in your calf and hamstring.relieve knee pain
  3. Half Heel Kneel and Quad Stretch: This stretch not only feels amazing, but it works double duty for your hip and quad muscles.relieve knee pain
  4. Quad Foam Roller Stretch: Stretching your quads is important, as they get adaptively shorter because of all the sitting we do most of our day.relieve knee pain
  5. Wall Hamstring Stretch: The hamstring muscles affect your knee more than you realise, and are the cause of discomfort.

6. Straight Leg Raise: Easy strengthening exercises put little to no strain on the knees, while also activating and strengthening your quadriceps.






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