F9 Treadmill Blog
The F9 Treadmill is a new treadmill released by BH Fitness.
It comes with a dual kit which allows users to use the fitness apps designed by I.Concept.
The link below will allow you to see the apps available for the F9 Treadmill:
The F9 Treadmill is designed for intensive use at home.
The maximum user weight is 150 Kg.
The F9 Treadmill has a green power 4.0 HP motor allowing it to be quiet but also reliable and efficient. Provides a quiet yet powerful speed between 1 and 22 km/h.
There are 6 cushioning elastomers on the F9 treadmill which means there is less chance of injury to your muscles and joints when running. There is a K-Dumper Soft Control system which absorbs some of the impact caused by running, extending the life of elastomers and the running board.
The F9 Treadmill has an electric incline up to 12% allows significant variation in intensity of the exercise at any speed. Helps to put your leg and back muscles under load for a thorough workout.
You can buy the F9 treadmill for £1199.00. Or you can hire this for £25.00 per week at a minimum of 6 weeks.
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