How endorphins make you feel better after an exercise
We mostly engage in exercises to keep fit by burning the excess calories. Doing an exercise can be exhilarating and the feeling of you euphoria after it is quite healthy to the mind. This has been employed to treat or manage conditions that lead to depression such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. There are various chemicals or rather hormones that are key in bringing about this ‘feel good effect’,these includes Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor,BDNF and endorphins. Other hormones, for instance dopamine and growth hormone mediate other effects that are triggered by excercise such as increase in muscle bulk. In this article I will narrow down to the role of endorphins in making one feel better after an exercise.

Endorphins are endogenous opiods inhibitory neuropeptides,simply put as proteinaceous substances released by the body which are very similar to morphine. They are produced by the Central Nervous System and the pituitary gland,located at the base of the skull in a structure known as Sella turcica. Endorphins function primarily to inhibit the transmission of pain signals as well as producing a feeling of being happy,euphoria which can likened to that produced by opiods such morphine.
When we do some exercise alot of processes occurs in our body. The brain interprets exercise as a moment of stress and the response is aimed at helping us cope with the situation. The response is akin to the fight, flight or faint response that occurs when we are in danger. The increased heart rate leads to the release of Brain-Derived Neutrophic Factor,which is produced from the right atrial wall of the heart. This substance serves to provide a protective as well as reparative function to our memory neurons and acts as reset switch. This series of events can help explain why we often feel at ease with a clear state of mind after an exercise. During an exercise endorphins as mentioned earlier are also produced. They help us to cope with stress that comes with exercising and as McGovern,a researcher put it endorphins tend to minimise the discomfort brought about by exercise,block the feeling of pain and have an additive euphoric effect.

The BDNF nd endorphins are thus what makes us feel good after an exercise. The fact that endorphins,which are derived from prepro-opiomelanocortin,POMC are very similar in structure and nature to opiods is bound to raise some concerns inour minds. The other opiods such morphine and herions can lead to some addiction which can be detremental to our health in the long run. It is good to note that endorphins are unique in that their effect is additive to our overrall health.
Several studies have shown that the first 20 minutes in an exercise are enough to make us experience the euphoric effect of an exercise. This goes a long way in boosting our self esteem as we feel good about ourselves increasing our productivity in a given day. So if you are depressed and feeling low the best,economical and readily available remedy is doing some exercise for the time stipulated above. I hope this article has helped you have a footing as far as endorphin’s and exercised are concerned.