Dynamic Stretches for Runners
The stretching debate—both pre- and post-workout—seems never-ending. For Deena Kastor, however, the answer is simple. After all, performing dynamic stretches before runs has helped Kastor become a three-time Olympian (2000, 2004, 2008) and set several American distance-running records.
“Dynamic flexibility has a dual purpose of making you more limber while also activating major muscle groups,” she says. “This is a great way to wake up and limber up your body.”
She has recently been part of a retreat, in which she exemplified the type of stretches she performs before running. Read on to see these dynamic stretches!
Dynamic Stretches for Runners
Leg Swings
Reach your left hand out and grab onto something stable (tree, pole, etc). Face forward. Swing your left leg forward, keeping it as straight as possible. Continue the swinging motion for 10 reps, and then switch to the other leg.

Lunge Exchange
Get into a plank position. Keeping your hands on the ground, bring your left leg forward, into a lunge position. Next, simultaneously jump your right leg forward, as you bring your left one back. Alternate between legs.

Lie on your back with your arms outstretched to the side. Swing one leg at a time across your body. Alternate legs and do 10 reps each.

Plank Marches
In a plank position, lift one hand at a time in a slow, controlled motion and place it back down.

Additional Notes
- Skipping a stretching routine can lead to injuries, while also possibly making you slower in the beginning of the run.
- Be mindful of how your body feels. Notice if one leg feels tired and add in more reps to that leg if so.
- Anytime (before, during, after) is good to loosen up, so add this in whenever you feel like it.