Dual Function Machines by BH Fitness
Dual Function Machines
Do you ever get bored of doing the same exercise over and over on your strength equipment well now we have an answer. BH Fitness have recently launched a new dual function strength line. These machines allow users to change the exercises they are doing without having to change machines. This means that users can get a fuller workout from the one machine. The machine I have chosen is the biceps & triceps machine which costs £1999.00 delivered and installed.
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There are many other dual function machines launched by BH to suit your exercise needs.
Click link below for all dual strength machines:
See below for a few of the Biceps & Triceps machine functions.
Dual function: Biceps and triceps.
Adjustable training angle with 6 different positions. From position 1 to 3 to exercise the biceps and positions 4 to 6 to exercise the triceps.
Multi-position rotating double handle.
This facilitates grip while exercising biceps and triceps, helping to improve the position and adaptation of the user during the exercise.
Non-slip footrest.
Prevents the foot from slipping or sliding, thus preventing injury.
Counterbalanced arms.
Override the weight of the structure to be moved in order to lift only the selected weight plates.
Mechanical seat adjustment with numerical indication of the height position.
Makes possible the adaptation of the machine to all kind of users and helps them to adopt the correct posture during exercise.
Click link below for biceps and triceps machine:

Dual Function Bicep and Tricep Machine
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