General / March, 31 2017

Defy Aging with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Wouldn’t be great to be able to turn back to clock and get some of those years back. Age is one thing we can not fight or physically overcome, however, there is one way you can defy it. A recent study discovered that High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can minimise many of ageing’s effects on your body.

High Intensity Interval Reverts Ageing Effects

Age affects your body in many different ways. You begin to lose muscle and bone density, fat mass increases, energy levels drop, your digestive system doesn’t work quite right, and so many other side effects. But the primary danger of ageing is its effects on your heart.  Age increases your risk of heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, and other cardiovascular events.

HIIT may be able to counteract the cardiovascular effects of ageing, at least to a certain extent. The American Physiological Society (APS) found that resistance-based interval training can improve endothelial function, leading to better blood vessel dilation, and improved blood flow. It can also help to decrease inflammation and the risk of diseases like diabetes or cardiovascular disease.

The researchers studied 35 men (all middle-aged) and the effects HIIT had on their bodies. Even the men with Type 2 Diabetes saw marked improvement thanks to the interval training. With just 20 minutes of exercise, their endothelial function improved, leading to better overall blood flow and cardiovascular function.

Do you know which men benefitted the most from the exercise overall? That’s right, the men with Type 2 Diabetes. It didn’t matter if they had prior exercise experience or not, all that mattered was that they performed the high intensity exercise. HIIT led to visible improvements in endothelial function, which in turn decreased their risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

It doesn’t matter how old you are: HIIT can be your best friend. Pushing your body to its limits is the best way to get in a killer workout, one that will build muscle and improve cardiorespiratory function. Even if you don’t have a lot of time to hit the gym, a short workout (10 to 20-minutes) is all you need. You can defy the effects of age thanks to HIIT.

Start HIIT now

The great thing about HIIT is that you can do it anywhere, with minimal to no equipment necessary. You can watch this great video bellow for a template of a HIIT Interval.


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