Chest Exercises you might not have tried before
When you think about chest workout, I’m sure that bench press or maybe push ups that come into your mind. What else? These are the best for getting big and strong pecs, aren’t they?
Yes, it is true, but adding some variety to your chest training is always good. You won’t get bored, and you can work out all parts of the pectoralis more efficiently to it more defined. Or, maybe, you can improve an area that is underdeveloped.
You might increase the reps and the sets. And, of course, you might add more types exercises such as decline, incline presses, or moves with the cable machine. There are many out there.
Try these unique Chest Exercises
Kneeling Landmine Press: Excellent to train the upper part of your chest, plus the front delts.

Floor press: Actually, this is the only move I have done in my life from this list. It is an excellent technique to increase your bench press. Or, it can be done if you do not have a spotter and your want to lift heavy weights.

Dumbbell Wide to Close Press: I love working out with dumbbells since they require more strength to keep the correct form and the stability. And, since this one is a more compound move, it requires even more muscle strength and coordination. Also, it works your triceps.

Reverse Press: I knew this exercise, but I have hardly seen anyone doing it. (So, like a sheep I followed the flock. I have never done it.). However, this reverse grip version is great to strengthen the upper part of the pecs. Do not confuse with the traditional press with barbell. It is harder to perform, so do not use too heavy weights.

For proper form, tips and a few more exercises you can watch the video bellow.