Start using Supersets to maximise your workout
Supersets is when one performs multiple exercises in a row with minimal rest (the amount of time to change between machines for example). One may superset any body parts together. It is ideal to use opposing body parts, such as chest and back or biceps and triceps. For example, you work the legs while the arms recover, then you target the core while the legs have some reprieve, and so on.
Sample Superset Workout
Warm-Up (6 minutes)
Perform each of the following for 30 seconds, then repeat three times:
- Do bob-and-weave pattern, either as simple step-together or adding squat as you sweep through center.
- Cue alternating knees. Encourage advanced participants to bring knees above hip height, and ask everyone to engage abdominal muscles and “crunch” ribs to hips.
- Teach traditional jumping jacks or side-taps with full-range arms as low-impact modification.
Add some flowing, dynamic stretches into the mix:
- Do calf stretch in lunge position.
- Stretch hamstrings by sitting back with leg forward.
- Interlace hands behind back to open chest.
- Do standing quadriceps stretch.
As you go through the warm-up, explain how the entire workout will follow this format. Point out that every warm-up move can be completed at a variety of intensities. Assure participants that they can also modify all strength exercises.
Perform 24 reps of each exercise unless otherwise indicated. Go through each round three times and then move to the next one, taking time to rest only as needed or during transitions.
Superset #1
- Upright row. Stand with feet wide, knees slightly bent. Keep shoulders relaxed and engage between shoulder blades and spine. Raise and lower dumbbells in controlled upright row, being careful not to cause impingement.
- Sumo squat. Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed slightly out, and lower into wide squat. As you come up (slowly and with control), lift knee (alternate sides). Modification: Eliminate knee lift. Progression: Hold dumbbell against chest. 16 reps.
- Slow mountain climber. Start from plank position and slowly bring in one knee toward chest, moving at half-speed. Keep hips low, hands under shoulders, and brace through core. Modification: Hold full plank. 16 reps.
Superset #2
- Wide push-up. Keep hands far apart so elbows are 90 degrees at bottom of move. Perform on knees or with straight legs.
- Alternating lunges. Hold dumbbells and step forward with right foot, getting knee as close to ground as possible. Alternate for 16 reps.
- Forearm plank. Brace through core and come onto forearms and toes, keeping back in neutral. Modification: Place knees on floor. Hold 1 minute.
Superset #3
- Overhead press. Press dumbbells overhead in arcing motion. Elbows are at shoulder level and 90 degrees at bottom of move. Control the return.
- Squats. With feet parallel and hip-width apart, lower into squat while keeping chest lifted. Hold one dumbbell against chest with both hands. Modification: Don’t hold dumbbell.
- Back extension. Lie prone with arms by sides, palms up. Reach fingertips and toes toward back of room while lifting chest and thighs off ground. Engage gluteals and spinal erectors. Hold for 3 counts. 8 reps.
Intro to Supersets
To learn more about supersets, you can watch the video bellow.