5 Common Fitness Myths
There is no doubt that the fitness industry is full of “wonder” products, diet fads andĀ false information which can be made up by companies wanting to market their products/services. However, there is even a worst enemy to your fitness journey, which is the commonly known fitness myths which are nothing more than that… myths.
We’ve all fallen for one or two of these, and maybe still think they are true at this point. Read on to see if you are not falling for one of these uninformed claims.
Common Fitness Myths
If your muscles don’t hurt, then your workout was useless

While getting the most for your workouts is important, you don’t need to train yourself to death. Over-training your muscles can cause physical and mental problems. You need to find the optimal amount of workout, which typically means your muscles can recover in 1-2 days.
Spending long hours in the gym is essential

One of the biggest beginner mistakes. You should have workouts that are intensive and effective. 45 minutes is enough for that.
You will look like a Bodybuilder

This is a common misconception amongst women. Many fear going to the gym, specially enrolling in weight training workouts, as they think it will make them bulky and big. It takes a lot of work and commitment to have the body of a bodybuilder, and you don’t get there accidentally.
You should consume tons of Protein

While protein is an important constant for muscle building, that doesn’t mean you have to stuff yourself with it. The supplement industry has done a good job convincing you of this, to boost sales. One protein shake a day is enough. Have a lean meat or fish meal instead, as these are high in protein and other important nutrients.
For a Six Pack, lots of Ab exercises should be done

If you’d like a flat stomach or six-pack abs, then you need to lose belly fat. That is the most important factor in getting protruding abs. That cannot be done by doing a thousand variations of ab exercises, but by keeping a low-fat diet and doing fat-burning cardio workouts.